
2004年 消費者金融サービス研究学会年報 No.9

藤江 俊彦



Corporate Social Responsibility as Creating the Corporate Value
Toshihiko Fujie
Chiba University of Commerce

In recent years there has been renewal of interest in Corporate Social Responsibility (as CSR). Although CSR has been an object of study for a long time in the society of the business management. What seems to be lacking is enough argument about CSR. But now, many scholars & businessmen accept CSR to managerial organization because many request from global economic society, the frequency of deplorable event, and deregulation of control etc. The point I wish to emphasize is that CSR is not negative impact for profitable business but improve the corporate value, as corporate branding. Maximizing the shareholder value is not equivalent to the corporate value, as a matter of fact the corporate value should maximize the multi stakeholder value at once, such as the shareholder value, the customer value and the staff value etc.
