
2006年 消費者金融サービス研究学会年報 No.4



富山大学経済学部では、2003年度に1単位の専門科目として「応用経営特殊講義 消費者金融考」を開講した。その結果、消費者金融に関する講義の意義として、①学生の学術的問題意識の向上、②消費者金融への多角的アプローチ、③実務型社会科学教育の実践、④消費者金融に対する学術研究の契機などが認められた。また、残された問題として、2単位科目へのカリキュラム編成が指摘された。


 富山大学経済学部では、2003年の開講結果と、大学における消費者金融を対象とした講義科目の意義を踏まえて、2005年度後学期に2単位の講義科目として「経営学特殊講義 消費者金融考」を開講した。

Consumer Finance Course in Education Curriculum at Universities
- Case of the 2nd “Consumer Finance Course” at Faculty of Economics in University of Toyama -
Kouichiro Kataoka
Toyama University

Toshio Kishimoto
Toyama University

 The 2nd “Consumer Finance Course” was held at the Faculty of Economics in University of Toyama from October 2005 to February 2006 (the latter half of our 2005 curriculum). At our first lecture, we explained the importance of the improvement of academic consideration, the diversity approaches to Consumer Finance, the practice of Social Science Education, and the origin of the researches of Consumer Finance.

 We gave the students 14 lectures in the period including the basic knowledge on monetary economy and the civil law, the black market and the way to regulate it, the recent amendment of the maximum allowable interest rate in Japan, the problem of heavily-indebted people, the law protecting personal information, and the foreign matters including the sub-prime market in the United States (which was newly introduced in our lectures this year).

 The following three points were suggested from the questionnaires to the students in the course;
1. Students understood the importance of Consumer Finance as one element of the finance theory.
2. Students acquired job consciousness through understanding the reality of Consumer Finance.
3. Consumer Finance can be programmed as the topic of the social life education.
