
2006年 消費者金融サービス研究学会年報 No.1

森 伸宏

岡村 誠






A Public Financial Institution in the Market of Consumer Loans
Nobuhiro Mori
Nara University of Education

Makoto Okamura
Hiroshima University

Takao Ohkawa
Ritsumeikan University

 We examine how a public financial institution (public bank) influences the long-run equilibrium in the consumer loan market consisting of private non-banks. To this end, we develop a successive oligopoly model: An upstream firm is the public bank which maximizes an economic welfare, while downstream firms are the private profit-maximizing non-banks. The public bank finances the private non-banks in the upstream market. The private non-banks make a loan to the individual consumers in the downstream market. In the long-run equilibrium, the private non-banks in the downstream market can earn zero profit. Our model is classified as the mixed oligopoly with vertical market structure.

 As a bench mark case, we first derive the long-run equilibrium when the upstream firm is a private bank that maximizes its profit. In this case, the private non-banks enter the downstream market insufficiently from the standpoint of social wefare. We show, on the other hand, that the non-banks excessively enter the downstream market when they face the public bank in the upstream market. The potential entrants (non-banks) in the downstream market can earn more profit when the public bank exists than when all financial institutions are private ones. Note that the large number of private non-banks in the mixed oligopoly is welfare deteriorating because more non-banks require the larger sum of their fixed cost as each one has the same fixed cost.

 We finally compare the resulting welfare of the mixed oligopoly with that of the benchmark case. We show that the mixed oligopoly is superior to the benchmark case from the standpoint of social welfare. Our result implies that an establishment of a public financial institution in the upstream market has an economics rationale.